The guiding principle of my research activities is my interest in the management of innovation, particularly (but not exclusively) technological innovation and its strategic, organizational and human challenges. This has led to research into the relationship between technological innovation and competency management, ICT and competitive advantage, and the emergence of technological standards and associated strategies. Above all, I have tried to propose a truly strategic approach to the management of intellectual property rights, a fascinating subject on which there is still much to be done.
Ressources internes
While some management research can be carried out individually, more and more often it is carried out in the form of collective research projects, which may involve the participation of PhD students. Naturally, as in all academic disciplines, it is reflected in a number of publications. I also try to disseminate my work beyond the academic world.
Research: Key elements
Main milestones
2015/.... Member of RITM (Réseaux Innovation Territoires et Mondialisation), research center in economics and management of Université Paris-Saclay
=> Research on the strategic management of technological innovation, especially on four topics:
• The management of intellectual property rights, especially the interactions between the different rights
• Diffusion of innovations and standards wars
• Innovative entrepreneurship
• Relations between innovation and tradition
2000/2015 Member of LAREQUOI, the management research center of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
=> Research on the strategic management of knowledge and technological innovation, especially on four topics:
• The management of intellectual property rights, especially patents
• The diffusion of innovations and standards wars
• The management of competencies and technology life cycles
• ICTs and competitive advantage
1995/2000 Doctorate (PhD) in management sciences : Dissertation on the relations between technical progress and employment - The case of the electronuclear industry (supervisor: A. Maïsseu, Associate Professor, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
Scientific committees
Member of Management International's scientific committee since November 2016
Member of Association Internationale de Management Stratégique's permanent scientifc committee from 2010 to 2013 - Member of the board of directors from 2014 to 2022, general secretary (2014-2018) and treasurer 2014-2021/p>
Coordination with D. Chabaud, F. Janssen & J.M. Sahut of a double issue of Gestion 2000 on the topic of innovation, vol.34, n°5-6, March 2018
Coordination with R. Bandeira de Mello, T. Bardon, J. Cusin & P. Hoanh Son Nguyen of the FG-AIMS special issue 2013 on « Management relationnel » (relational management), Revue française de gestion, vol.39, n°232, April 2013
Coordination with G. Simoni of a special folder on « Innovation et partage des connaissances » (innovation and knowledge sharing), Revue française de gestion, vol.38, n°221, February 2012
Co-chair with G. Simoni of the « Innovation » thematic group of AIMS (2010/2011) and organisation of a one-day seminar on « Innovation et connaissances » (innovation and knowledge) in September 2011
Coordination with C. Ayerbe, D. Castle, L. Mitkova & M. Terziovski of a special issue on: « Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: New Stakes and New Perspectives », Management International, vol.14, n°3, Spring 2010
Coordination of research projects
2015/.... Initiation and coordination (with D. Lebert) of a project of observatory of local startups => See projects page
2007/2011 Initiation and coordination of a research programme on how firms and state-owned organisations were using their patents
2004/2007 Coordination for the LAREQUOI research center of the "MINE France" project
2006 Habilitation à diriger des recherches en sciences de gestion (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
- Defended on the topic « Vers une chaîne de valeur centrée sur le savoir ? » (Towards a value chain focused on knowledge)
Garant: Philippe Hermel, Professor at UVSQ
President: Alain-Charles Martinet, Professor at Université de Lyon III
Rapporteurs: Jean-Pierre Bréchet, Professor at Université de Nantes, Robert Le Duff, Professor Emeritus at Université de Caen &
Bertrand Quélin, Professor at HEC Paris
Examiner: Jean-Charles Mathé, Professor at Université de Limoges
2000 Doctorat (PhD) es Sciences de gestion, mention très honorable (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
- Doctoral thesis: « Les relations progrès technique-emploi : le cas de l'industrie électronucléaire » (The relations between technical progress and employment: the case of the electronuclear industry)
Supervisor: André Maïsseu, Associate Professor at UVSQ
President: José Allouche, Professor at UVSQ
Rapporteurs: Pierre Bardelli, Professor at Université de Nancy II,
Régis Larue de Tournemine, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg & Vincent Mangematin, Research Director at INRA
Examiners: Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Professor at Université Lyon 2 & Jean-François Lemettre, Professor at Paris-Sud University
1993 DEA (master) Concepts et méthodes du diagnostic d'entreprise (Université Paris-Dauphine)
– Master thesis: « Vers une remise en cause des frontières organisation -environnement : revue théorique et empirique, et implications » (Towards a questioning of the organization-environment boundaries: theoretical and empirical review and implications) – under the supervision of Professor Patrice Duran